Who Are We and What Is This?

TPPC.Messed is the largest TPPCRPG community in existence. Boasting a total of over 2900 members and the only official place to download the AutoAttacker and Pokemon Catcher for the popular game, it is the place to be. If you have not registered, sign up today, because you are missing out!

This is our cheats and downloads portal where we release all our public programs. Each one will have its own page with a description of it as well as a link to download it. In order to use them, you must be a registered member of TPPC Cheats. These programs are free, safe, and simple to use.


TPPCRPG AutoAttacker v7.0

The TPPCRPG AutoAttacker is a program which automatically fights other Pokemon on the popular online Pokemon RPG, TPPCRPG.


TPPCRPG Pokemon Catcher v7.0

The TPPCRPG Pokemon Catcher is a program which automatically catches wild Pokemon on the popular online Pokemon RPG, TPPCRPG.


Race War Kingdoms Proxy Clicker v1.0

The Race War Kingdoms Proxy Clicker is a powerful proxy clicker for the online game RaceWarKingdoms allowing users to become stronger without any effort.
